Monday, February 7, 2011

It Never Fails...

It never fails... to amaze me around here.
Those of you who don't know, there are 4 adults and 3 dogs living in our home. I know, we are crazy..but whatever! Blake's friend Mike, who he hired to be his right hand man, has been living here with us for quite some time. About the time he was going to find his own place Morgan called, my best friend, and was placed here for student teaching and needed to live here for 4 months. Long story short they are both here and Morgan's dog Lexi has made herself quite at home as well! Last week when this freeze hit, there were 4 of us without water completely, then with only cold water, then finally with all water but without being able to drain water. It was an absolute nightmare. 4 people's dishes, 4 people's towels and laundry, 4 people's (cough/barf) bathroom habits...this was a huge issue. Needless to say, I knew what had to be done. If any of you are married, then you know there is a fine line between telling your husband what needs to be done and suggesting options, then letting him come up with the idea you had two hours ago. I think I am pretty good at this. Considering my husband generally feels like he has two wives (with Morgan in the house), I have been careful with my words and actions to protect some sort of man hood or man code or whatever it is. Anyway, he saved the day and I remembered how thankful I am for him and how truly amazing he is! I could not imagine a day around here without him! For this, I am glad Valentine's Day is coming up, what a perfect time to remind him how much I love and adore his hard work and dedication!